Monday, February 11, 2008

A Farewell

well, i dunno folks. as many of you will soon find out, i have taken a leave of absence from RPI for the rest of the semester. my one regret is that i won't be able to attend class with you guys. I'll continue to watch your podcasts, and may even provide some useful feedback, who knows. As soon as I've got my technology situation at home figured out, i may even attempt to continue my own video podcast, but I'll make some noise if that ends up working. Anyway, it's been short, but I've enjoyed Participating in Culture with you all. End Captain's Log, Over and Out.


breathingplaet said...

miles. i hope everything is ok. please do continue to tune in. too bad we wont get to see more of your stuff.

Igor Stolarsky said...

Aw, that's a shame, dude. Best of luck, I hope everything comes out alright.