Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Infinite Monkeys

i dunno about you, but the thought of infinite monkeys scares me. what would we possibly do with that many monkeys? but on a serious side, Keen makes a good point. a lot of what is on YouTube, Google Video and Blogger, is just mediocre ranting. the reason singers, directors, and writers are as highly paid/reclaimed as they are, is because they have what most YouTube artists and Bloggers lack: namely Talent.

now, some of you will make the fair point, that i myself have a blog and submit videos to Youtube. am i hypocritical? probably, but what YouTube offers to me and to 250,000,000+ people each year, is a stage for what talent creativity we do have. Very few people on YouTube are visionary film directors or rock stars or professional dancers. But some are.

Keen said that the internet is "an endless digital forest of mediocrity." and it is, for the most part. The internet also is host to those with serious talent, and who deserve to be recognized for it. perhaps these people have less guts than Mick Jagger or Quentin Tarantino, perhaps they don't have the courage or the money to perform live or direct a film, but does that mean that they shouldn't be recognized for their talent?

So the Internet is a "forest of mediocrity," i don't see how that's any different than before. People will try to express themselves in all sorts of ways. Doesn't everyone have a relative who knits or makes pottery or paints or something? I think YouTube and Blogger are great inventions, because they provide people with a medium to be creative. and what should you care Keen? You don't have to watch us.

1 comment:

breathingplaet said...

i agree and disagree and then agree and then disagree.

i think the point of the negative aspect of the forest of mediocrity is that the "real" truth is harder to find.... BUT maybe we were just convinced about the real truth all along and now we are left to find it ourselves and therefor actually can!

I only had you all read Keen's intro because the rest of his book is not as good, in my opinion and that of some colleagues. so... as everything take it with a grain of salt. thanks for the comment. keep posting as much as you want, wherever you want. we are all hypocrites. let's just stay honest. my $.02